online and in-person classes available

online and in-person classes available
Classes for separating/divorcing parents
One-hour lunch
One-hour lunch
One-hour lunch
One-hour lunch
One-hour lunch
One-hour lunch
Both mornings
Both mornings
Both nights
Both nights
We offer therapy to children and adults facing challenging life situations. We highlight stress reduction skills for emotional regulation and explore effective changes to improve relationships. We support all members of the family system by utilizing CBT, DBT, play therapy, and art therapy through the lens of systems theory. For an appointment, click HERE.
We offer appointments for separating and divorcing parents to help focus their decisions on the best interests of the children and to provide information about personal agency while managing loss, restructuring parental boundaries, creating parenting plans, and introducing new adults into the family system.
Our PEP curriculum is continually evolving to include practical information and current, evidence-based research in the field as we support parents and children through times of major family change. Most importantly, our curriculum is vastly enriched by the many experiences and stories shared by parents in our classes over the last twenty-six years.
At Yardley Associates, we understand that parents face unique challenges during times of major family change. By teaching the Parent Education Program, we strive to offer relevant information about helping children through their parents' separation or divorce. With the primary goal of supporting the children and minimizing stressors, our PEP classes and website provide a broad range of practical resources to guide parents on their path forward.
We are both graduate-level social workers with over 50 years of combined experience working closely with children and their families in a variety of settings, including local community services, public/private school systems, residential/group home facilities, child/adolescent inpatient mental health units, and outpatient counseling. Having personally facilitated the Parent Education Program together for over thirty years, we provide exceptional educational services using a dynamic, multimedia approach. We also offer in-person and virtual trainings for parents and professionals on a multitude of topics including Grief and Loss, The Economy of Engagement, Teens and Technology, Child and Adolescent Development, Relational Aggression, and Positive Psychology: Applications in the Workplace and Beyond.
For information regarding our parenting education programs, co-parenting sessions, or counseling services, please call 860-688-1240.
124 Palisado Avenue, PO Box 1103, Windsor, CT 06095
860-688-1240 or (toll-free) 866-YARDLEY
Register online or by phone 24 hours per day, every day.
This public website is intended to provide general information about issues related to parental separation and divorce. None of the information contained in this website can replace well-informed knowledge of your own child and family, nor can it replace the professional opinion of an informed mental health professional, mediator and/or lawyer. In addition, our resource links are provided for general information without implying endorsement or recommendation.