Classes offered in-person and online
As stated in the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Parenting Education Program Brochure, “Parenting education programs are classes designed to educate adults about the many issues children face when their family situation changes. The programs train participants about how to help children adjust in a healthy way to divorce or living apart from a parent. The programs include information about children’s developmental stages, helping children adjust to parent separation, cooperative parenting, conflict management and dispute resolution techniques, guidelines for parenting plans and parent access, and stress reduction for children.”
For more information, please refer to the following Connecticut Judicial Branch website .
The fee for the PEP class is $150 or you may have a fee waiver through the court system. Participants can pay for the class in one of the following ways:
1. By Venmo to @Yardley-Associates and the last four digits of our phone number is 8631.
2. By CashApp to $YardleyAssociates and or 860-371-8631.
3. By Zelle to Maureen Donegan, and or 860-371-8631.
4. By Credit Card click HERE
5. By Fee Waiver, please email a scanned copy or cell phone picture of your court signed fee waiver to or text a picture of it to 860-805-6330.
* Whichever payment method you choose, include your name and the date of your PEP class.
We offer both in-person and online PEP classes in our effort to serve all parents. We find that our in-person classes are the gold-standard for the learning process by providing a sanctuary of time and space for parents to process class material, ask relevant questions, voice parental concerns, and address a wide range of issues connected to the separation/divorce process. On the other hand, online classes can be a better alternative for some parents, especially those with childcare and transportation concerns. We find that parents can benefit from the PEP curriculum when offered online as long as parents can self-monitor to make sure that distractions at home or work do not take away from their online experience. We encourage parents to sign up for either format of the PEP class that best meets their needs.
The Parent Education Program is designed to help parents assist their children through the family restructuring process by providing relevant information and resources. Being preventative in nature, the program advocates that the power to make the family transition very easy or very difficult for children lies within the hands of their parents.
Each parent education program service provider covers the same information as required by law, but does so with different curriculums. The only way to assure both parents are getting the same curriculum is to have both parents attend the class with the same provider, even if they do so at different times.
We encourage participation, but you are only required to attend the program. Feel free to sit back, relax, and listen to the information presented. There is also no testing at all in the class. At the end of the program, we do ask that you fill out an anonymous questionnaire containing 25 questions for the court. Your feedback is vital for the continued development and fine-tuning of this program.
If you cannot afford the fee for the program, the fee can be waived through the court system. Complete an Application for Waiver of Fees(JD-FM-75) and file it with the family court clerk. If you are in court when you are ordered to attend a parenting education program and you are unable to afford the fee, you may request that the fee be waived at that time. Please bring your fee waiver form that is signed by an officer of the court with you to class. You will need to present this to the service provider when you check into class.
* Please note that service providers cannot waive the fee. Fee waivers may only be granted through the court system and must be done prior to attending the program.
If you are unable to attend the class for which you registered, please notify us about your cancellation and we are happy to reschedule you for another class. Early notification of a cancellation frees up a spot in the class and allows another parent to attend. If you have an emergency and are unable to contact us , no problem. At your convenience, just click on the HOME tab above and register again for a future class.
All classes are the required 6 hours in length, so please be on time. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, you will have to reschedule for a future class session.
You have the right to attend the class together or separate from your child’s other parent. It is entirely your decision based upon your comfort level. You are the best judge of your relationship with your child’s other parent. If you are getting along, then it can be beneficial to attend the same class because both parents are hearing the same information at the same time. If you prefer not to attend the class with your child's other parent, please indicate this during the telephone registration process so the other parent can be placed on the DO NOT ADMIT list for your class. If an individual is placed on the DO NOT ADMIT list and calls to register for a class with us, they are not given this specific class as an option to attend.
The five carbon copy form is available at all Judicial District Clerks’ Offices or Court Support Centers: Parent Education Program – Order, Certificate and Results (JD-FM-149). You should bring this form with you to class. If you are not able to obtain this form by the day of your scheduled class, one will be provided for you at class. We need to sign this form to verify your attendance. You will receive two copies of this form at the end of class, we will keep one copy of your form for our records and we will send the other copies of your form into CSSD Administration to be e-filed after you complete the class.
Yes! You are welcome to bring an adult guest (over 21) with you free of charge as long as your guest is not also required to attend the class. Otherwise, your guest should attend the class as a participant. Please make sure to let us know you will be bringing a guest when you register.