Classes offered in-person and online CT Judicial Branch Family Services
Informational Video CT Judicial Branch Family Services
What Parties Should Expect and How To Prepare CT Judicial Branch Family Services
Helping Children Adjust and Staying Out of Conflict Pandemic Parenting & Parenting Resources CT Judicial Branch Divorce Court Service Center Locations Connecticut Network for Legal Aid Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services
Mental Health Urgent Crisis Centers
Walk-In 7am to 11pm 18 years old & under
The Village for Families and Children in Hartford
Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven
The Child and Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut in New London
Wellmore Behavioral Health in Waterbury. INFOLINE: Referral info and in-home mental health crisis services Suicide & Crisis Lifeline National Domestic Violence Hotline Technology Safety & Privacy Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence Connecticut Collaborative Divorce Lawyers * Connecticut Council for Divorce Mediation * Connecticut Mediation Center *
* Collaborative Divorce & Mediation not recommended if
domestic violence & coercive control concerns in family. Pandemic Parenting & Parenting Resources Association of Family & Conciliation Courts Free Co-parenting Online Communication & Planning Sesame Street Divorce Toolkit and Video Peace at Home Parenting Parenting Plans
and Other Resources
203-283-8260 Ansonia-Milford Court Service Center
203-207-8766 Danbury Court Service Center
203-579-7214 Fairfield Court Service Center
860-706-5064 Hartford Court Service Center
860-626-2529 Litchfield Court Service Center
203-238-6499 Meriden Court Service Center
860-343-6499 Middlesex Court Service Center
860-515-5151 New Britain Court Service Center
203-503-6819 New Haven Court Service Center
860-823-0857 Norwich Court Service Center
203-965-5328 Stamford Court Service Center
860-896-4945 Tolland Court Service Center
203-591-3308 Waterbury Court Service Center
860-928-7749 Windham Court Service Center
860-232-9993 Children's Law Center of Connecticut
888-774-2900 Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE National Domestic Violence Hotline (Text START to 88788 or TTY 800-787-3224)
211 or Infoline
Infoline is a system of help via the telephone or internet about community
services, referrals to human services, and crisis intervention. It is toll-free from
anywhere in CT by simply dialing 2-1-1. It operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. Multilingual caseworkers and TDD access is available.
988 Call or Text Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
American Girl (2009). A Smart Girl's Guide to Her Parents' Divorce: How to Land on Your Feet When the World Turns Upside Down. China: American Girl Publishing. (For girls ages 8-13).
Bloom, Judy (2014). It's Not the End of the World. Atheneum Books Young Readers. (Ages 8-13)
Brown, Laurie and Brown, Marc (2009). Dinosaur's Divorce. New York: Little Brown and Company.
Brace, Rachel (2019). Max's Divorce Earthquake. Little Steps Publishing.
Bullard, Lisa (2015) My Family, Your Family. Lerner Publishing Group.
Burris, Tamar (2020). A New Special Friend. Tamar Burris Copyright.
Karst, Patrice (2000). The Invisible String. California: DeVorss Publications.
Lang, Suzanne (2015). Families, Families, Families! Random House Children's Books.
Lansky, Vicki (1998). It's Not Your Fault, Koko Bear. Minnesota: Book Peddlers.
Oriard, Kelly and Christensen, Callie (2021) Fox's Big Family Change: A Lesson in Change. Slumberkins, Inc. (
Roberts, Jillian (2017). Why Do Families Change? Our First Talk About Separation and Divorce. Canada: Orca Book Publishers.
Schmitz, Tamara (2008) Standing on My Own Two Feet: A Child's Affirmation of Love in the Midst of Divorce. New York: Penguin Young Readers Group.
Spelman, Cornelia Maude (1998). Mama and Daddy Bear's Divorce. Illinois: Albert Whitman & Company.
Thomas, Pat (1999). My Family's Changing. New York: Barrons.
Walsh, Melanie (2012). Living with Mom and Living with Dad. China: Candlewick Press.
Parental Divorce
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - What is Divorce?
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - Feelings and Routines
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - Big Feelings Song
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - Bird Family Song
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - It's Not Your Fault
Sesame Street in Communities: Divorce - Expressing Feelings & Being Loved
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - Abby's Story
Sesame Street in Communities: Divorce - Abby is Stronger
Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges - Chase's Story
Sesame Street, Little Children, Big Challenges - Victoria's Story, Dad Lives Long Distance
Sesame Street, Little Children, Big Challenges - Two Hug Day Digital Book
Parental Addiction
Sesame Street in Communities: Parental Addiction - Meet Salia
Sesame Street in Communities: Parental Addiction, Lending a Hand
Sesame Street in Communities: Play, Talk, Imagine Digital Book
Parental Incarceration
Sesame Street in Communities: What is Incarceration?
Sesame Street in Communities: Visiting a Parent in Prison
Sesame Street in Communities: In My Family Digital Book
Additional Resources
Sesame Street in Communities: Topics including Parental Divorce, Addiction, Incarceration
Ahrons, C. (2004). We're Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parents' Divorce. New York: Harper Collins Publishing.
Everett, C.A. (Ed.). Minority and Ethnic Issues in the Divorce Process. New York: Haworth Press.
Garrity, C., Johnston, J.R., Baris, M.A., & Bruenig, K. (1997). Through the Eyes of the Children: Healing Stories for Children of Divorce. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Family Center of the Conciliation Court. (2001). Children and Divorce, Second Edition. Tuscon, Arizona: The Family Center of the Conciliation Court.
Garber, Benjamin (2008). Keeping Children Out of the Middle: Child Centered Parenting in the Midst of Conflict, Separation and Divorce. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications.
Garber, Benjamin (2016). Holding Tight and Letting Go: Raising Healthy Kids in Anxious Times. Scottsdale, Arizona: Unhooked Books, LLC.
Hone, Lucy (2017) Resilient Grieving: Finding Strength and Embracing Life After a Loss that Changes Everything. New York: The Experiment Publishing.
Johnston, J.R., & Roseby, V. (1997). In the Name of the Child: A Developmental Approach to Understanding and Helping Children of Conflicted and Violent Divorce. New York: Free Press.
Johnston, J.R., & Campbell, L.E. (1999). Impasses of Divorce. New York: Fireside.
Mercer D., & Pruett, M.K. (2001). Your Divorce Advisor: A Lawyer and a Psychologist Guide You Through the Legal and Emotional Landscape of Divorce. New York: Fireside.
Viorst, Judith (1998). Necessary Losses: The Loves, Illusions, Dependencies and Impossible Expectations that All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Grow. New York: Free Press.
Wolf, A. E. (1998). Why Did You Have to Get a Divorce? And When Can I Get a Hamster? New York: Noon Day Press.
Wolf, A. E. (2002). Get Out of My Life But First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parent's Guide to the New Teenager. New York: Noon Day Press.
Wolf, A. E. (2000). The Secret of Parenting. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux.